OK, who’s ready to play Seed + Spark?
Actually, that’s not quite right.
The 108 cards we’ve created are something you read (like Tarot) more than play (like Poker). That’s because the goal is not to compete, but to complete a design challenge that relates to a real-world problem, using the cards you select as your inspiration.
If that sounds like your cup of tea, join us TONIGHT — Wednesday, October 27th, at 8pm EST via the link at the top of https://elevate.explo.org/seedandspark/, and help us determine what works (and what doesn’t) in our overall design so far, so that together, we can #changethestory of how we learn and live.

Elise says:
I missed the card gathering on the 27th–is there any other way to get involved? So intrigued…